ヤマガタンver9 > 36th Lantern Floating Event

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▼36th Lantern Floating Event

36th Lantern Floating Event  /

Lantern Floating – A tradition that pays respect to the ancestors as well as wishing for a prosperous future.

This year we’ll be sending many lanterns out to float as the sounds of Buddhist Sutra chants fill the night sky.

Small Lantern : 1,500 yen per lantern. Big Lantern – 4,000yen per lantern.

Please bring this fee with the application form by the 10th of August.

The setting off point for the lanterns will be from Hottategawa Bridge until Monju Bridge.

Time: Tues. 16th August 19:00 〜
 Buddhist sutra chanting will take place from Hottategawa bridge river bed and Monju bridge river bed.

Location: Hottategawa bridge  〜 Monju bridge

Lanterns will be released from 19:00 from Hottategawa river bed.

For Enquiries/Applications Yonezawa Lantern Floating Committee

 TEL: 0238-23-3369

2016/07/07 15:25 (C)
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